Sunday, December 23, 2012

Best holiday!

My favorite holiday of the year is Christmas. For me is so magical, being with my family and friends. All my family works and we don't have a lot of quality time. My Christmas starts the 23 we get all together in my grandma's house and prepare the turkey. All my cousins and aunt come and we drink fruit punch and make food for the next day. We leave really late from my grandma's house like at 1am. The next day we wake up late and start getting ready, for Christmas Eve. We dress up really formal. We go to church at 6pm. When mass finishes we go to my house, my mom’s family and my dads come over to have dinner. We seat we talk and then dinner comes. We talk about our year what were thankful for. When we finish eating we go to the common area around 12am, we start hugging each other and saying merry Christmas. When we finish we start praying and singing. Around 1am is gift time, we do secret Santa because we are so many and we want everyone to have at least one gift. At 2am we start dancing and playing game telling jokes we have leftovers. 

At 5:30am they leave, and my family and I go to bed. Next morning we wake up and go to the Christmas tree and see what Santa Claus bought for us. Something I love is Christmas feeling has never bean gone. Even though I'm the youngest and I have a 24-year-old brother "Santa" still come to my house. We have a small breakfast and watch movies and hear music. In the afternoon we go to have to left overs in my grandmas house. The 27th we normally do a family trip. This year we are going to a cruise. My mom, dad, sister, brother, brothers girlfriend and I are really exited for this year trip. We believe is going to be the best one and the hardest one because is one of the last time we will be ale to do long trips.

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