Monday, October 22, 2012

Iago's Pesonality


Iago is a confident person. When he talks he wants people to know he is always right and he knows everything. “I say, put money in thy purse.” He is telling Roderigo to bet on it, that he will help him and they will get good results. When Iago speaks, it feels he is always pretending and he want to make other people look bad, for him to look superior. He insult people, he is racist and doesn’t like anyone. “These Moors are changeable in their wills”. He says the moor will switch of woman easily, because that what all black guys do. Depending on the people he is with, he criticizes. I believe he criticize because he is unsecure about himself and criticizing helps him hide it. “Nay, it is true, or else I am a Turk:
 You rise to play and go to bed to work.” Most of the word he says is to make fun of people. Iago is a liar, and a hypocrite. 

People trust Iago, because he tell them what they want to hear. Depending who he is with, he acts different. He makes you feel important and that he is the key for success. For example with Roderigo he tells him he can help him, and he will get results. "It cannot be that Desdemona should long continue her love to the Moor". Iago says that to Roderigo to make him feel better, as if there was no problem. Iago wants to look as the hero and he says it in a way Roderigo feels comfortable and attached to him. He knows the words to say to make people think he is on their side, and they respect him. "when she is sated with his body, she will find the error of her choice" Iago tries to convince Roderigo that everything is going to get in his favor.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Character's of "Othello"

Othello got the Brabantio’s daughter Desdimona. Othello was not the best candidate for his dad eyes, he is different from the rest. He is not accepted by the society, it was not common to see this happen. Two distant races mixing, it was an impact for the society. Roderigo didn’t like Othello he wanted to have Desdimona, and Othello the moor has taken her.  Iago hates Othello too he is looking for revenge. He is mad because Othello gave him a bad job. When a new girl comes to school and she is different we tend to avoid her and criticize her just because she is different.

 Othello is an authority figure that’s why Iago can’t rebel against him. Othello is controlling Iago’s title (Work position). In this period having a title is what everyone seeks for. Iago couldn’t play with his, so he preferred stating closer. “Keep you friends close and your enemy’s closer”. when I don't trust someone, or I feel threaten by her or him I stay closer to avoid any problem.I don't consider them good friends but I'm friendly.

Reading how they describe Othello I expect him to be really different, and outcast from society. They describe him as a beast as if he couldn’t control himself. He is black with thick lips and tall. He transmits respect, that why Iago is nice and respectful when he is present. When I don't like someone I find all his or her defects and point them all out. I tend to exaggerate and make him or her the bad guy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Small Script

Sofia, is the pretties girl in high school, she is a junior. She is in the Dance Team, and she is really smart. She is the girl that everybody would like to be friends  with and date. She has a lot of friends, but her two best friends are Andrew and Kate.

Alex is Sofia’s boyfriend. Alex play in the same soccer team, he is the team captain. He has a great body, and he is really popular around the school. Sofia and Alex are really in love and fateful with each other. They are dating even though Sofia’s family doesn’t approve because of their young age. 

Andrew is flirty boy that’s always in different relationships that last for only weeks. Andrew is a soccer player. Alex and him are good friends but, Alex doesn’t trust him, because of his history with woman.

Sofia’s best friend is named Kate. Kate is a nice girl, but she can get under your last nerve. She has always liked Alex, and she was angry when Sofia and him started dating. Kate is also really good friend with Alex. 

Hey Alex, how are you?
I am good, thanks! You?
Well, I’m good.
Are you sure you sound a little strange.
I don’t know if I can’t tell you.
Stop fooling around and just tell me.
It’s about Sofia
Is she okay?
 She is not how I’m concern of…its you!
I don’t want you to get paranoid but I saw her really close with Andrew yesterday.
Yesterday? She told me they were studying for math.
mmm.. just telling you what I saw.
Hey babe how are you?
 Not great, they just told me something I didn’t like at all.
What happen?
I heard you were really flirty and touchy with Andrew yesterday.
You know that’s not true, I would never do that to you, I love you.   Andrew he is just a friend. Who told you that?
 Kate did, and she is your best friend.
I can’t believe it! Are you serious? She would do anything for you to break up with me. You know she has been in love with you since we started dating.
 It was really shocking news, but is true I judge with out knowing. I’m sorry, I just went paranoiac for a second.
 I’m sorry too, and you know you can trust me.

Even though Alex is confident with himself, he was able to doubt about his relationship with Sofia. Jealousy between couples happens a lot and even more in a young age.