We can see how Geordie It’s a
good boy and wants to do the right thing, Teddy its looking more adventure. He
its a little impulsive and likes to chase danger. His friends don’t think is the most
intelligent move. We also have two other characters Vern and Chris. They both agree on Geordie when the moved
Teddy from the rails. Vern in this scene try’s to calm down the argument and create
peace among them. Chris want to act more as a leader, he also wants to calm
down things and specially calm Teddy.
Section One:
They walk toward the place and
start looking at their surrounding.
Section two:
They start talking about their
plans when suddenly they hear the train coming over.
Section three:
The four of them run toward the
trails, and start jumping around.
Section three:
Teddy tells the he want to dodge
the train and goes in front of the bus.
Section four:
Grabbed him and moved him away
from the rails.
Section Five:
It creates a fight between Geordie
and Teddy.
Section Six:
Vern and Chris were only
watching them fight. They were getting really mad, and were starting a
fistfight until Vern and Chris separate them.
Section Seven:
Vern suggested making peace
between them.